CPU Instances

Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors feature built-in accelerators for more performance-per-core and unmatched AI performance, with advanced security technologies for the most in-demand workload requirements—all while offering the greatest cloud choice and application portability.

  • On-demand instances are available on our compute service.

  • Limited availability instances are reserved for selected customers.

  • Preview instances require a reservation request, reviewed by our team.


The Price /hr is the hourly usage per US Dollar (USD). Your local currency may differ. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Intel Xeon Scalable 6th Gen
Instance Name Host Availability CPU ID Total Cores Disk Memory Price /hr
bm-gnr-sp-quanta Bare Metal On-demand NA 96 1TB 1TB $9.00
bm-sfr-sp-quanta Bare Metal On-demand NA 96 1TB 1TB $9.00
pre-bm-gnr-ap Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 144 3TB 1.5TB Free
pre-bm-gnr-ap-mrd Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 144 3TB 768 Gi Free
pre-bm-gnr-sp Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 96 3 TB 1 TB Free
pre-bm-srf-ap Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 384 3.5TB 1.5 TB Free
pre-bm-srf-sp Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 192 3TB 1 TB Free
Intel Xeon Scalable 5th Gen
Instance Name Host Availability CPU ID Total Cores Disk Memory Price /hr
bm-emr Bare Metal On-demand 0x606A8 128 1TB 1TB $5.39
pre-bm-emr Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 128 4TB 1TB Free
Intel Xeon Scalable 4th Gen
Instance Name Host Availability CPU ID Total Cores Disk Memory Price /hr
bm-spr Bare Metal On-demand 0x806F8 96 2TB 512Gi $3.62
pre-bm-spr Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 128 1TB 1TB Free
pre-bm-spr-hbm Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 112 2TB 0 Free
pre-bm-spr-hbm-c Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 112 2TB 512Gi Free
pre-bm-spr-hbm-f Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 112 2TB 512Gi Free
pre-bm-spr-tdx Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 128 1TB 1TB Free
vm-spr-lrg Virtual Machine On-demand 0x806F2 32 64Gi 64Gi $1.80
vm-spr-med Virtual Machine On-demand 0x806F2 16 32Gi 32Gi $0.90
vm-spr-sml Virtual Machine On-demand 0x806F2 8 20Gi 16Gi $0.39
Intel Xeon Scalable 3rd Gen
Instance Name Host Availability CPU ID Total Cores Disk Memory Price /hr
pre-bm-icx Bare Metal Reservation (preview) NA 24 400GB 384Gi Free