Credentials as a Service

Generate credentials on Intel® Tiber™ AI Cloud to directly interact with regional services. Follow this guide to generate a client secret and client ID.


You can create a maximum of two credentials.

Access Credentials

  1. Select the User Profile pull-down menu.

  2. Click Account Settings.

  3. View the Credentials tab.

Generate Secret

  1. In the Credentials tab, click Generate Client Secret.

    Generate Client Secret

    Generate Client Secret

  2. Following onscreen instructions below Secret name, enter a name.

  3. Click the button to Generate Secret.

  4. Copy the client secret. Store the secret securely.


    Be sure to copy the client secret in a secure location. This secret is only shown once. You will only have one chance to copy it; otherwise, you must regenerate it.

    Copy client secret

    Copy client secret

Delete Secret

  1. In the Credentials tab, under Actions, select Delete.

  2. In the dialog, under Name, enter the client secret name.


    A check mark appears when your typed entry matches the name.

  3. Click Delete.


  • Credentials are mainly used as a token in API requests.

  • To use user-credentials with the API, follow “generate secret” process (above) and include it in the Authorization Header as a bearer token.

  • For multi-user accounts, the owner and member must both create their own unique credentials.