Credentials as a Service

Generate credentials on Intel® Tiber™ AI Cloud to directly interact with regional services. Follow this guide to generate a client secret and client ID.


You can create a maximum of two credentials.

Access Credentials

  1. Select the User Profile pull-down menu.

  2. Click Account Settings.

  3. View the Credentials tab.

Generate Secret

  1. In the Credentials tab, click Generate Client Secret.

  2. Following onscreen instructions under Secret name, enter a name.

  3. Click the button to Generate Secret.

  4. Copy the client secret. Store the secret securely.


    Be sure to copy the client secret in a secure location. This secret is only shown once. You will only have one chance to copy it; otherwise, you must regenerate it.

Delete Secret

  1. In the Credentials tab, under Actions, select Delete.

  2. In the dialog, under Name, enter the client secret name.


    A check mark appears when your typed entry matches the name.

  3. Click Delete.


  • Credentials are mainly used as a token in API requests.

  • To use user-credentials with the API, follow “generate secret” process (above) and include it in the Authorization Header as a bearer token.

  • For multi-user accounts, the owner and member must both create their own unique credentials.